With all this house stuff Alex and I have been doing, it has come with an indefinite amount of paperwork. This is exactly what I feel like doing with all this paperwork! This is one contract that we rescinded so that's why I'm throwing it in the air. First attempt didn't work so well. I tried throwing the whole bunch and you can see it just stuck like that until it almost hit me in the head. Second attempt was much better...
Thee papers I shall levitate, haha.
Anyway, here's another wedding photo from early in the gigs. I love this photo to pieces because the little girl was just so freakin' cute! Don't you love it?!
And I took this photo this morning with my new macro lens. Click on the photo to truly see the detail...seriously. Cuz otherwise, it just looks like any other photo. I hope everyone had a great weekend! Alex and I find out tomorrow morning if the seller will ratify our contract or the other that was put in at the same time as ours. Eeeek!
Good luck!! Let me know how it turns out!