Are you tired of flowers yet?
On this side was just a gigantic weed (and poison ivy patch, say the rashes all over my body) patch! I rented a roto-tiller and went to town on this bad boy! that roto-tiller weighed more than I! Once I got it all tilled, I raked out all the crap, hand-edged, and put in some new plants; butterfly bush on the end, two blackberry plants, and a blueberry plant.
Here are some close-ups of the gorgeous pink hydrangeas I got this weekend! This first one is a double-bloom mophead. It is gorgeous!
Here's a close-up of the butterfly bush
My hydrangeas on the other side of the house
I clipped my roses several weeks ago and they are blooming again wonderfully!
This hydrangea is lovely! I bought it thinking it was going to be tinged with pink but it's mostly blue
It must be the acidity of my soil
I treated myself and brought a few clippings in!