New name

So, as it turns out, Verizon charges you money to be unlisted.  Alex and I recently signed up for FiOs and it allows you to choose an alias for your listing so we decided to put the most ridiculous name we've ever heard of!  It sure didn't take long for Verizon to start selling our information!  This came in the mail today and a few days ago I got a call asking for "Mrs. McIroncock".  C'mon now!

Sure is amusing though!


Kelly Anne said…
Ahahaha! You knew it was coming.
Unknown said…
From now on that is all I am calling you.
Veronica said…
Hahahaha. Too funny!
@Kelly: That's what she said?
Kelly Anne said…
@Chris Ah, yes, yes. And how impressive that it only took you a month to jump on it! :P
Clint said…
Haha I'm going to try that.

The Padrino
//Sub/Corpus said…
i wonder if my phone company would allow me to use an alias ... i've a few ideas as well ... hee hee ...
Dan Grossman said…
Verizon didn't sell your info. They sent it to the credit reporting agencies, as all utilities do. Those agencies sell your information which is where you get all the preapproved credit and insurance offers from.