Merry Christmas!
I'll post the picture of myself first. This is just me getting ready to head to Alex's parents' house for Christmas dinner.
This is just a cute ornament on their tree that always looks so nice!
The sticky buns that always accompany Christmas at my parents' house so I've taken over the tradition
Another ornament that I didn't notice until I zoomed in on later that you can see my reflection in. It's pretty cool!
Some red velvet cupcakes I tried to make that didn't really turn out as I'd hoped. Oh well
There's a cross-section of the cake.
Anyway, I got a new camera bag that I'm super psyched about!! It's awesome. I also got beautiful earrings from Alex, a jewelry box and floor mats for my (relatively) new car. And lots of great stocking stuffer stuff, like the Cute Overload calendar! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!!