Ring around the nosey

I've had my nose pierced for almost 4 years now and I never wear an actual ring in it. I don't quite like the look of it as much as the small stud but I thought I'd take a photo of it so others can see. It's alright but not the best look for me.
Roni and I are off to the DC Improv to see Ben Bailey from Cash Cab do stand up tonight! I'm so stoked! I love this guy. Apparently he did stand up for a long time before he got discovered for Cash Cab. We are also hitting up this awesome pizza joint for dinner beforehand. It's going to be a good night :-)
This photo makes me laugh! I think they were a couple (with a little girl) and he had caught the garter and she the bouquet...this seems to happen a lot. Anyway, I guess he was "inspecting" her butt, haha. If you see me with a camera, watch out because I miss nothing!
